Energy benchmarking defines an intensity measure of process energy performance.
It can be used to determine the baseline of energy performance to compare with peers and measure the effects of operation and process changes.
The most important result of energy benchmarking is the indication of energy intensity for individual processes.
Energy Intensity (MBtu/BOe) = Average Energy Consumption (MBtu/Day)/Average Production Rate (BOeD)=MBtu/BOe
The energy intensity can be calculated at different levels:
Overall plant energy intensity
Process unit energy intensity
Equipment level energy intensity
Most of the industrial plants consist of multiple process units and each process unit may have several process equipment. Calculating the actual energy intensity for each process unit and comparing it to the target energy intensity would pinpoint/highlight the process units that needs attention. Then you can notice which equipment inside this particular unit that affects the overall energy intensity of the plant (when compared to the overall target energy intensity).
This method is built on the concept of guideline (Target) energy performance, which is used as a benchmark against which actual energy performance is compared.
There are 2 types of targets as defined by GAPTECH:
1. Operational Target:
Best-in-operation energy performance with current plant configuration including non-capital modifications such as:
Load Management
Operational improvements
2. Ultimate Target
With technology advancements in, equipment, process design, and control, process energy efficiency could improve.
In general, closing the gap between the average and the best potential performance of an individual unit involves operational and maintenance improvements.
Reaching the state-of-the-art performance usually involves technology upgrade.